14 aug
NAKED is the second single to be released from the album On the Other Side of the Mirror.
This digital only EP leads with the club remix
Germanium by Alien Waveform,
followed by a slightly shortened version of the album-mix, titled Edit.
The "B-side" Thirsty follows, as well as three additional remixes,
X.Y. by band member Karl Gasleben, with Anna Öberg,
Cryptomeria by Dan Söderqvist and
Onkel Enkel
by Charles Storm (Exit North, Blue for Two, Strasse).
June 12 Album release
"On the Other Side of the Mirror"
May 22
Modern World, single release from the album
"On the Other Side of the Mirror".
The digital single also contains Shadowless,
a song that is not on the album.
The single is available as streaming and download.
On the other side of the mirror
CD, LP, MC 12 June 2020
”Invisible camera eyes
a gentle storm with empty lies
On the other side of the mirror time bleeds in our thoughts”
Twice a Man 1984
In a constant state of evolution since the beginning, Twice a man enters the 20’s by redefining their dystopian concepts from the 1980’s. Since the band’s most recent release, the ambient Cocoon (2019), they have hesitantly left the forest, only to find themselves caught in this modern world of 2020. Saturated with endless waves of connections, ripe with misinformation and paranoia, virtual addictions and an on-going 6th mass extinction - a potential Holocene end-scene where the past and present appear to be happening at the same time. A delayed 1984, not unlike the one described in a science fiction novel completed in 1948.
On the other side of the mirror explores the surreal experience of not really knowing where you are in space and time, the feeling of being alienated in the world. Asking the question whether reality is real, or just a dream (or nightmare) from a faraway future. Perhaps a person ś inner self doesn’t change as much as does the one reflected in the mirror.
Compared to Twice a man’s latest “non-ambient” album Presence (2015), this next step in their evolution takes them in a somewhat more organic direction. The voice and guitar of Dan Söderqvist, the synth work and melodies from Karl Gasleben and Jocke Söderqvist are still as recognizable as ever, but the wall of sound this time rests upon a foundation of a more dynamic and less machine-like rhythm section. Just like its predecessor it features guest vocals from Karin My, as well as additional arrangements by D. Kaufeldt.
A dark trio of songs, Breath, Rain of Shame and the first single Modern World expresses the thematic and sonic bulk of the album. Questions are being asked to an uncompromising soundtrack, but in contrast to Presence, the response is primarily ambiguity instead of answers. The fundamental question being whether our fears are just a singularity through which no light can escape, or if they can serve as a portal to help us reach something new and hopeful?
The second trio of songs, the semi-psychedelic Growing, the solid Naked and the delicate Fireflies tentatively suggests that. The black hole may currently be bigger than ever, but there is still the possibility of finding something better hiding on the other side.
Your future dreams are fireflies, you see them through your children’s eyes.
Twice a man – On the Other Side of the Mirror
Recorded in Gothenburg, Stockholm and Vallentuna autumn 2019 – winter 2020.
Mixed and mastered in Vallentuna spring 2020.
Xenophone International / Ad Inexplorata 2020
Catalogue numbers: Xeno26CD (7331917), Xeno26LP (7331918), Xeno26MC Distributed by Sound Pollution.
Twice a man Dan Söderqvist, Karl Gasleben & Jocke Söderqvist
Contact (requests, information)
Ad Inexplorata
+46 (0)8 511 776 76 d@explorata.net
Information (biography, discography, photography):