Vinyl / CD Ad InExplorata, Xenophone International 2015
”Children dragging their broken bones in the streets
Cracked eyes of men, with no life
Insane cries without end
reverberate between religious walls”
The previous official release from Twice a man – Icicles (2010) – was primarily an auto- biographical journey influenced by matters of the heart, as well as by the cold & dark winters that surrounded the production. A thorough examination of sorrow, pain and - most importantly - the hope of finding one's way back to the light.
In 2014 Dan Söderqvist and Karl Gasleben were joined on stage by Jocke Söderqvist for the first time since 1986, during the celebratory gigs for the 30th anniversary of the album “From a Northern Shore”. These events were a memorable experience for the long time fans of the band and the concerts clearly exposed the fact that the creativity in the reunited trio was still present.
Almost inevitably the three gentlemen ended up writing new songs together.
As the idea of eventually compiling the new songs into an equally new album evolved, the band turned their eyes on the outside world for a theme, rather than to the inside equivalent.
A search for illumination, insight and understanding in relation to the world, rather than the much more local individual heart.
The focal point of Presence was made out of the mad conflicts we see, a concern for what kind of future we will leave to our children and a growing consciousness that it is time for activism and a will to fight a brutal reality.
In this apocalyptic time, when awful pictures are rushing in, it ́s easy to feel desperation. We blame the greedy economic systems, our unsustainable way of life and the ideas of religious or other fanatisms that brings terror to our bodies and minds.
This anger, frustration, desperation of how the world developes... this continuous war.... Out of these dark shadows that poison our minds, this is where the nine songs of this conceptual album starts. What most of us want is a peaceful and sustainable world where we "Love one another"*.
We cherish the temple of natures secret whispers, the hunger for beauty and truth. The world needs to slow down, eco systems need to be resurrected and the seed of empathy for our brothers and sisters in need should be embraced.
To not open only our hearts, but our minds.
It ́s our chance, to move across, that borderline
If you are lost, release the flood, your awakening
You will see, you will hear, a garden of delight
Prepare yourself, don ́t be a fool, time is on our side
lHigh in the clouds Something brings the light
bees - gaza - rain - clouds - bridges - black - together - future - action - vietcong - apocalyps - flood - abduction - light - terror - rainbow - heart - darkness - hope -destruction - illumination
* "Love one another" is the last words from George Harrisson
Some Reviews
"The album’s highlight ‘High In The Clouds’ is a marvellous epic journey in psychedelic synthesized melancholy."
Electricity Club (GB)
"the melancholy stars in Twice a Man’s electronic universe are shining brighter than ever."
8 out of 10 at Elektroskull (Swe)
« Presence » tutoierait le sublime. (Fr)
"Presence is an album that confirms the skills of Twice a Man, masters of dark synth."
Flux (It)
"Twice A Man is still one of the most underrated bands, which does not prevent them to deliver one of the best synthpop albums of the year. Sublime!"
85 out of 100 Peek-a-boo (Bel)
”Presence is Album of the Year at Cold War Night Life!Twice a Man have been making music together for four decades, but they’ve never lost their bleeding-edge coolness. In 2015, they released a new album, Presence, with the political verve and musical mastery to show the new generation how it is done."
Cold War Night Life (GB)
"Transposed in a contemporary sonority, this music once again proves its force, its power of contagion and its perennial value. There is something hypnotic and haunting inserted in the melodic line, that transfigures the dark dimension of the music, providing for a warm emotional vibration, even a glowing one, that makes the melancholic background attractive."
Atelier Liternet (Rom)
”Vackert och poetiskt, precis som sig bör när det gäller Twice A Man.”
Subsine (Swe)
”High In The Clouds is a majestic track close to perfection. So clear and wonderful. Karin's backing vocals are stunning and Dan sounds so brilliant and forever young. And in the end he picks up his guitar and makes the track complete.”
Chainoftears (De)
8 of 10 Plattentest (DE)
”Egentligen var Twice A Man framme redan med sina första inspelningar för snart 35 år sedan. Formsökanden med progg-, synth- och synthpunkperioder hade de redan klarat av först som Älgarnas Trädgård och sedan som Cosmic Overdose. Så när Twice A Man uppstod 1981 visste Karl Gasleben och Dan Söderqvist precis vad de ville uttrycka, och de visste hur de ville uttrycka det. Det är därför deras första album på flera år, nu med Jocke Söderqvist tillbaka i leden, bygger vidare på samma musikaliska stämningar som fanns där från början, och det är därför de är så omedelbart uppskattadeo och lika medelbart igenkännligt vintage. Ändå finns utveckling i Twice A Mans subtila och smakfulla synthpop, där de modernaste rytmer och effekter finns bland skivans många nyanseringar.
Om musiken med sitt mörker har drag av avmätt elegans är texterna desto mer konfrontativa, och tar utan tveksamheter grepp på både extremism och stora ekologiska frågor med samma engagemang som löpt som en röd tråd genom musikernas hela katalog, bara förstärkt och mer explicit här. Men även det handlar om långsam förädling snarare än snabba evolutionära kast, och för det uppskattar vi Twice A Man särskilt mycket.”
Nöjesguiden (Swe)
"After repeated listens, I've come to the conclusion that 'Presence' is a mature effort with bittersweet melodies and simple melancholic songs that touch. The vocals really beautiful and warm. The record's carefully considered aesthetic and meticulous production bear all the hallmarks of the band’s quality work . I believe that this record could be interesting for lovers of quality synthpop!"
Die Seele (Gr)
”Twice a Man are still the masters of theatrical dark wave.”
Cold War Night Life (GB)