Twice a Man / Complete Works



Theatre Music


Macbeth, 1986, Teater Shaharazad,

Sthlm, dir. Wilhelm Carlsson


Thorsten Fiskare, 1987, Royal Dramatic Theatre,

Sthlm, dir. Wilhelm Carlsson


Verona, Verona, 1987, Swedish National Radio,

dir. Wilhelm Carlsson


Emilia Galotti, 1988, Royal DramaticTheatre,

Sthlm, dir. Wilhelm Carlsson


Stjärnornas Vandring, 1989,

dir. Viveka Warenfalk


En Midsommarnattsdröm, 1989-90, Royal DramaticTheatre,

Sthlm, dir. Wilhelm Carlsson


Figaros Bröllop 1992, Royal DramaticTheatre,

Sthlm, dir. Wilhelm Carlsson


Katt på hett plåttak 1998, Folkteatern,

Gbg, dir. Björn Melander


Three short stories by Poe, 1999, Swedish National Radio,

dir. Charles Koroly


Ett Dockhem, 1999, Regional Theatre in Växjö,

dir. Björn Melander


Nijinskij, 2000, Swedish National Radio,

dir. Charles Koroly


Krig, 2005, Nationalteatret in Oslo, Norway,

dir. Björn Melander


Balansgång, 2005, music&video, Sthlm Stadsteater,

dir. Björn Melander


Rikard den Tredje, 2006-07, Sthlm Stadsteater,

dir. Anette Norberg


Angels of America, 2007, Borås Stadsteater,

dir. Björn Melander


Drottningens Juvelsmycke, 2007-8, music&video,

Royal DramaticTheatre, Sthlm, dir. Staffan Roos


Om Kärleken, 2008, music&video, Reginal Theatre Halland,

Varberg, dir. Etienne Glaser


Natten är dagens mor, 2011, music&video, Royal Dramatic Theatre, Sthlm, dir. Björn Melander


En Midsommarnattsdröm, 2012, Reginal Theatre Halland,

Varberg, dir. Daniel Rylander


Hedda Gabler, 2014, music&video, Reginal Theatre Halland,

Varberg, dir. Christian Tomner



Music for Dance Performance


Hem, 1995, music&video, Efva Lilja Danskompani,

Sthlm, choreography Efva Lilja


O, 1997, with Parkerad Rörelse



Det stora rörelsemysteriet, 1998, with Parkerad Rörelse



Flamingos, 1999, with Parkerad Rörelse



India, 2001, with Parkerad Rörelse




Installations / Sound Art


Bland valar och delfiner, 1984, Culture House, Sthlm


bland skuggestalter och irrbloss..., 1998,

Konsthantverkshuset Sthlm, with Charles Koroly


Epipsychidion, 2000, for Breathe 2,



Hannover, 2000, for Interactive Institute,

Expo 2000, Hannover, Germany


Transit, 2002, for Breathe 3,

Röda Sten, Gbg


Identity, 2005, Culture House Sthlm,

with Charles Koroly


Förråd, 2005, Culture House, Sthlm,

with Charles Koroly


Darkness, 2007, for Tänd Mörkret,

Gothenburg Art Museum


Soundscapes/Mudsplat, 2007, for Dig It,

Universeum, Gbg


Korolys Kostym Drama, 2012, Dansmuseet,

Sthlm, with Charles Koroly


Rolf de Marés Dansmuseeum / Sleeping Beauties, 2013,

Dansmuseet, Sthlm, with Charles Koroly



Music for Film


Förr i världen, 1990, Omegafilm,

dir. Kristian Petri


Sprickan, 1991, Götafilm,

dir. Kristian Petri


Sommaren, 1996, Götafilm,

dir. Kristian Petri


Torsken Teater, 1997, music&animation,

Norwegian TV


Rio, 1999, music&animation,

Norwegian TV


Världarnas Bok, 2006, TV Series in 8 Parts, Tre vänner for SVT,

dir Kristian Petri




Music for Computer Games /

Multi Media Performance /

Audio Books / Other


The Sound of a Goat in a Room, 1983, performance


Driftwood, 1988, performance


Butterfly Effect, 1991-92, pop band project, performance,

cd TRIP, with Peter Davidson and Zac OÝeah


Fungus & Sponge, 1993, performance


A line of moments, 1996, (CD-ROM) with Garfish Group


Kula World, 1996, computer game for Game Design,

Sthlm, for Sony Worldwide


Ursa Major, 1996-97, performance,

with Mette Wijk (dancer) and Maria Ericson (actor)


Twice a man India Audio Experience, 2000,

Program for Swedish National Radio, SR, with Zac O´Yeah


Tims Journey, 2002-03, EU Research,

Computer Game, with SITREC, Sthlm


Visual Noice, 2003-04, Research Live Music Surround Technique,



snö skog tystnad, 2006, performance,

with Lotta Lotass (text) and Maria Ericson (actor) Moscow, Kazan, RU


med huvet bland molnen, 2007, Radio Program for Monitor,

Swedish National Radio, SR


Ambient Books, 2007-10, Research Audio Book,



Ambient Meetings, 2008-11, 4 International Workshops, performance

Norberg-festivalen 2011


UN Day, 2011-16, Pedagogical Project,

with Regional Theatre Halland and World Heritage Girmeton, Varberg


Honey is flowing in all directions, performance / installation,

2012, 3:e Våningen, Gbg


Ljuset kommer från Halmstad, 2013, audio book,

for Regional Theatre Halland, Varberg, dir. Maria Ericson


Ett Spår av Romantik, 2014, audio book,

for Regional Theatre Halland, Varberg, dir. Maria Ericson


A Warm Wave Concerts #1 Gbg & Sthlm,

performance, May 2015, with Keluar, Vólkova, Red Mecca & Alvar


A Warm Wave Concerts #2 Gbg & Sthlm,

perfomance, Nov 2015, with Schonwald & White Birches